
Baltic amber necklace-more than just a pretty necklace much, much more…

So for hundreds of years, the properties of Amber were well known and it has been used through all centuries in the healing process, but, like so many other natural healing remedies was forgotten or ignored with the arrival of modern medicines.

Baltic amber is referred to in any number of ways as its healing powers are multifold. Some think of amber as a powerful "chakra"...a cleanser and healer. Others give testimony to the fact that wearing healing amber necklace provides amazing pain relief for head, neck and throat areas, most especially for congestion. Amber bracelets are used to help control and alleviate pain of rheumatism, arthritis, and aching muscles and joints. Amber is also a perfect remedy for abdominal, bladder, kidney, liver, blood, and eye trouble and it also aids in producing tissue revitalization. Amber draws disease out of afflicted areas and neutralizes negative energy allowing the body to heal itself. Even more impressive, Baltic amber is also an anti-anxiety solution that eliminates fatigue and weariness and strengthens your memory and intellect thereby providing a feeling of peace and feeling "great" all day long. Whether your 1 year or 50, there is a very important place in your life for Baltic amber.

So whether you're looking for the beauty of amber to adorn your body or to heal it, try Baltic amber. It can change your life in a most fulfilling way. Learn more about many benefits of Baltic amber.


OK, so what is the deal with Mums n Bubs amber teething necklace, then…

Formed millions of years ago and recognized as having unique healing powers, the amber in our Mom and Baby teething necklaces represents a legacy of promoting calmness and peace for Mom and relief from teething pain for baby.

Baltic amber healing jewelry is an excellent pain relief for head, neck and throat areas, especially for congestion. Amber healing necklaces and bracelets are highly effective for controlling the pain of rheumatism, arthritis, and aching muscles and joints. Baltic amber is also an anti-anxiety remedy that rids fatigue and weariness. If you’re over 50, you can benefit greatly from wearing Baltic amber. What could be better than natural healing you wear in the form of elegantly designed natural Baltic amber jewelry? In order to truly benefit from natural Baltic amber, you need to make certain that the amber touches some part of your body consistently. The reason for this is amber releases its healing oils into the body when it heats up from contact with our skin. The remarkable health benefits of amber are attributed to its unique ingredient, succinic acid. As much as 3% to 8% - the largest quantity found anywhere in nature. Scientific research on natural Baltic amber has contributed specific documentation in evidence of its healing powers. It has also documented that wearing amber healing necklaces against the skin is the only proper way to absorb amber’s natural healing into our bodies. For many, amber healing is a tradition that has been handed down for many generations and amber jewelry is a well guarded family heirloom.

Learn more about many benefits of amber healing jewelry.


OK, so what's the deal with the amber baby necklaces

The use of amber teething necklace is an ages-old tradition in many parts of the world and is fast becoming the most popular, “natural” remedy for teething infants and toddlers. Baltic amber performs its wonderous healing without being rubbed on the gums or swallowed or any such intrusive method. It simply has to be worn and in contact with the skin for it to provide the full benefit of pain relief. Absolutely adorable on both boys and girls.


•Allows body to heal itself
•Radiates soothing energy and absorbs negative energy, thus needs cleansing often
•Calms nerves, stimulates intellect
•Aligns ethereal and physical energies, cleanses the environment
•Success in treating disorders of the kidney and bladder
•Aides with choice; to choose and be chosen
•Allows body to heal itself
•Immune boosting properties
•Reduction in teething pain
•Anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties


Formed over 45 million years ago, Baltic amber is an organic substance, a “fossil resin” produced by pine trees which grew in Northern Europe - from southern regions of the present day Scandinavia and nearby regions of the bed of the Baltic Sea. The climate became warmer and trees started to exude big amounts of resin. Scientists say that amber is a fossil pine resin from this region that has achieved a stable state through oxidation.

Learn more about Baby teething necklaces and amber healing jewelry.


Amber teething necklace? What!!!

The most immediate reaction from people who are new to this incredible phenomenon would be: “Teething necklace? Does the child chew it?” The answer is absolutely not! An amber teething necklace is made from Genuine Baltic amber, an organic substance-fossil resin that was produced under natural conditions at least 45 million years ago. The unique substance of amber has anti-inflammatory properties which can be absorbed when it is worn against the skin. Hence, teething necklaces which soothe a child naturally when he or she suffers from teething pain.

The actual practice of making amber amulets for children and adults is ancient history. Traditionally, amulets were carved into various shapes and were worn to ward off evil spirits – or just plain bad luck. It’s also a very strong possibility that because these amulets also reduced inflammation and discomfort for their wearers, they are still worn in places like Europe and the Far East.
Why does genuine Baltic Amber act as an anti-inflammatory? Scientists have concluded that amber’s primary element, succinic acid, is the key. Small amounts of this acid, also known as “essence of amber,” are passed on to people who wear amber jewelry against their skin. When it comes to amber teething necklaces, amber artisans carefully string together multiple beads of amber to further enhance the anti-inflammatory effect on teething pain.

So back to my point in the beginning of this article: amber teething necklace is made for wearing not chewing. As with anything else children should be supervised at all times when wearing jewelry and it has to be removed whenever a child is sleeping or unattended!